UHN Research & Innovation Cores Newsletter

Dear Readers,

Welcome to the November 2022 edition of the UHN Research & Innovation Cores Newsletter.

In this issue, we continue highlighting the state-of-the-art facilities that are driving research innovation forward at UHN.

Read on to learn about the Manager of the STTARR (Spatio-Temporal Targeting and Amplification of Radiation Response) core facility, Dr. Naz Chaudary, including her background in preclinical research and her role and responsibilities at STTARR.

Also featured is an article on Sterilization Services—a group that has been supporting UHN researchers over the past 20 years.

Finally, we have an article about UHN's Pathology Research Program (PRP) Laboratory, which is part of UHN's Laboratory Medicine Program (LMP)—the largest hospital diagnostic program in Canada.

We hope you enjoy our latest stories. Thank you for reading and your continued support.

Luke Brzozowski

photo of Luk Brzozowski
Executive Director,
UHN Research & Innovation Cores

An Interview with Naz Chaudary

UHN Sterilization Services Facilities

UHN Pathology Research Programs

Did you know?

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