Scheduling Software: Stratocore

UHN Research has invested in a new web-based enterprise software solution that simplifies the management and the scheduling of the equipment and services available at the cores.
The software, known as Stratocore, has been deployed at over 200 research organizations around the world and helps to increase the efficiency and productivity of cores. The software enables users to book shared instruments and order services or consumables. It also allows for smart billing that uses real equipment use time for invoicing. The software will also support reporting on operational and financial performance of the cores and their component services and instruments.
Stratocore is being implemented at the following cores:
- Princess Margaret and Krembil Flow Cytometry Facilities
- Princess Margaret Genomics Centre
- The Bioinformatics & High Performance Computing Facility
- STTARR Innovation Centre for Advanced Preclinical Imaging and Radiation Research
- The Advance Optical Microscopy Facilities (AOMF)
Each core will directly inform users of their Stratocore go-live date.