UHN Research & Innovation Cores Newsletter
Dear Readers,
Welcome to the third issue of UHN Research & Innovation Cores Newsletter.
In this edition, we take an in-depth look at a facility that provides access to a new technology known as Imaging Mass Cytometry - a high content single-cell analysis, in which fluorescent tags are replaced by isotopes that are detected by mass spectroscopy.
Also featured are stories about DriverLab at the KITE Research Institute, which is the most sophisticated driving simulator of its kind in Canada, and the Advanced Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory (AMDL) facility, which is a CAP/CLIA-certified clinical laboratory that provides high complexity molecular diagnostic clinical test services.
UHN Biobank takes the spotlight in this edition as we get a glimpse of their multi-disciplinary team and the wide array of services that they have to offer. Head to the article to discover more about the role biobanks play in the development of translational research, technological advancement and innovation.
Thanks for reading our newsletter!
Luke Brzozowski
UHN Research & Innovation Cores